Wednesday, April 10, 2013

We're Done!

Got underway at 7:50 this morning under cloudy skies, but warm temps. We had a strong following wind all day which made steering a chore, but it was preferable to having a headwind.
When we were on "the river" we had a pretty strong current helping us along. Now that we were on "the lake" we lost that advantage and we were slower. So it took a little over seven hours to do today's 43 miles. We arrived a little after 3:00 to a sunny day and 83 degrees. We did the minimum chores, mostly getting our clothes off and drove back to Paducah.

Right now we are relaxing at Flamingo Row, enjoying beer, good Caribbean food, and being DONE!


Michael at the finish line
Steve at the finish line
Our old Kentucky home
At Flamingo Row


  1. Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Flamingo Row???? :-)

  2. Congratulations! Good planning...Good teamwork...Good focus.
    Another adventure in which to take pride!


  3. OK, you've got us hooked on keeping up with your travel adventure. So the boat is at Green Turtle Bay. Now what are you doing? How is Mike? How are your colds? Do you wobble when you walk from being on a boat for so long? Did you have enough wine?


  4. Awesome accomplishment! Sounds like you dodged the big storm.
