Friday, April 5, 2013

On Our Way Again!

This morning dawned clear and cool. We didn't get under way until almost 9:00 what with settling up, pumping out the holding tank, getting ice,and filing up with water. We both felt better today, although I've been waning as the day wore on.

Our fourth lock of the trip, Guntersville, was a problem. There was a barge locking through ahead of us and we had to wait two and a half hours! Some pretty scenery today, including Painted Bluff. We passed the barge that locked through ahead of us and saw another headed upstream.

It was sunny the whole day and temps got up into the mid sixties, but I was chilled all day. The next several days are supposed to bring temps in the mid to high seventies. Maybe I won't be chilled. One can only hope!

We started at mile 357 this morning and we're now at mile 321, so we covered 36 miles today. Our guidebook suggested a possible place to dock here, but there were a bunch of locals fishing from it and it didn't seem like a good idea to try to kick them off, so we headed across the river to a likely-looking place to anchor, which we did, after running aground once (Michael got us off), and pulling anchor once to move it to a deeper spot. Then we assembled and hung our radar reflector, and put together the auxiliary anchor, which Michael generously donated to the cause. We're using it to keep the stern from swinging too close to shore. We arrived here at 5:00, but weren't ready to start dinner until almost 7:00!

Dinner tonight was linguini with sweet onion and roasted garlic sauce, salad, and buttered bread. We know there is Parmesan cheese aboard somewhere, but we couldn't find it!

Today's photos

Our berth at Alred Marina in Guntersville
Waiting at the Guntersville lock
Painted Bluff
Passing the barge
Michael with the assembled radar reflector
Michael rowing the auxiliary anchor out in the dinghy

1 comment:

  1. The weather forecast for your part of the country does look pretty good. If all goes well you should be warm and suntan for the next few days.Your dinner sounded delicious! And you're not the first to be worried about your Parmesan cheese. Spencer Johnson, M.D. wrote a whole book about the subject! Rich
