The forecast said "Sunny. High 67". Hah!
We left Paducah at 5:00 in the rain. It rained and sometimes poured on the five hour drive to Watts Bar Lake. We went through a dry spell just before we got here, but it started raining again just before we arrived and hasn't stopped since. It never got warmer than 50 degrees.
We hustled to get all our stuff aboard before it got worse and were largely successful. it was cold aboard while we were finding places for everything. We had the space heater on, which we can do while hooked up to shore power, but there was a power outage shortly after we tuned it on that lasted two hours. We figure our little heater took out power in the whole Tennessee Valley!
We did manage to get everything stored, but most of it is in awkward places that will be challenging to retrieve. Oh well, such is life on a boat!
Rich and MaryAnn Toppe arrived with Snowy. We huddled under a gas heater on the marina restaurant deck, trying to keep warm while we ate lunch. The logistics of this trip required us to not leave a car behind, and to have a car waiting for us when we're done. This trick is accomplished with the very generous help of the Toppes who volunteered to drive my car from here to Kentucky and park it at Green Turtle Bay Marina, our destination on Lake Barkley.
After they left Mike and I started the engine, which seems to running just fine, except it's leaking water from the impeller. Best case scenario - we need a gasket. Worst case, we need a new pump and this trip is effectively over before it begins. We find out the answer tomorrow morning when one of the mechanics pays us a visit and has a look. We also suspect that there may be an issue with out batteries. They don't seem to be charging the way we would expect. We'll talk about that tomorrow too.
We're having dinner at the marina restaurant watching the Oregon Ducks get their butts kicked.
On my first post I managed to figure out how to intersperse photos in the text. But I can't seem to find a way to repeat that. So here are today's photos, all together at the bottom!
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